Thursday, December 4, 2008


Okay. I vowed not to let myself go crazy with IPS. But, to no avail, I'm certifiably crazy all over again. Well... I hope I'm NOT crazy, but you know what I mean. I've been logging my symptoms ever since I noticed the creamy CM, because that's something I've never experienced before. Here they are:

****O day (CD 22)
*Positive OPK
*During sleep this night, I had a weird dream that I was pregnant and bought three different tests (one was a $tree, one was a digital, and the other was something weird that my mind made up, I'm sure. I didn't recognize it.) and they were all instantly positive. I'm not really into the whole "intuition" thing, but, it was weird.


*reeeally creamy CM, all day
*slight coming & going cramps-R side

*LOTS of creamy CM
*R side cramps

*R side cramps
*creamy CM
*bbs "hot" and slightly tender
*unable to eat a full meal; was really hungry, but got full really fast.

*bbs "peeking" out top of bra
*slight tenderness in both bbs
*unable to eat full meal
*a lot of silent burping (...weird for me...)

I don't know what is going on. I just wish I was further past O so I could test.

I'm going nuts. Certifiably.

1 comment:

B MoM said...

Cassie, sounds promising!!! =)